Green Button® Third Party Registration Form

If you are a third party application provider and wish to have your application registered and approved to be offered in our Green Button® Marketplace, please follow the steps below.
STEP 1 | Complete and submit the registration form below.
STEP 2 |  London Hydro Green Button® support team will perform a technical review of the information you have submitted and conduct testing which includes:
  • 3rd Party Application URL Test
STEP 3 | Third Party will be required to complete final tasks on their side to confirm a successful authorization flow.
STEP 4 | Green Button Support team will work to schedule a demo with the Third Party where Third Party will need to demonstrate a successful authorization flow and successful revocation.
STEP 5 | London Hydro will review the demonstration results in order to promote the application to the Utility’s Green Button production environment.

* Required
(This will appear in the Green Button site for customers to review prior to authorization)

Max 255 characters
One file only.
150 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf.
Type of application:

† If your application is still in testing and not live yet in any app store, please add in a comment into the comments field below outlining this and we will contact you to coordinate access to your testing environments.

Third Party Data Sharing Scope requirement (Data that you will be requiring for customers to share, please select ALL that apply)
Do you have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with London Hydro?
Terms & Conditions